
Meet the dance world !

Other events have customers, we have registered Members.

Present your work to 500 dance professionals from 50 countries.

Get to know them personally in a relaxed atmosphere, discuss over coffee with each one of them.

During 5 days the Congress venue will be the meeting point of the world of dance.

The cream of dance professionals (teachers, choreographers, researchers, critics, directors, suppliers, educators, managers, organizers) will converge there – some combining it with sightseeing or holidays.

The CID World Congress is the biggest gathering for all forms of dance for 30 years.

Performances, classes, lectures, video projections, research reports, exhibitions, evenings, informal discussions – a full-day program in several halls.

Not for the general public: professionals only, to ensure exchanges among peers and international cooperation.

Organized by a Section of CID with the prestige of UNESCO, the summit organization for education, science and culture.

Strictly non-profit, with government recognition, in total equality among participants.

Venue is a prestigious building in the city center.